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100% bonus on the 1st deposit up to 30000 PKR!
1xBet APP iOS, iPhone & iPad
With live streaming and advanced in-play scoreboards available on your smartphone, discover the ultimate betting experience and have instant access to the heart of the action.
Use the cutting-edge 1xBet app to have access to live streaming, comprehensive in-play scoreboards, and many payment options. Take use of the many features and easily place your bets using your smartphone.
Scan QR code to install APP iOS
or download the APP iOS manually by this link
Installing the APP step-by-step:
- Open the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
- Head to the search bar and enter “1xBet.”
- The 1xBet APP will appear—tap to select it.
- Press “Get” to download, and let your device complete the installation.
- Once downloaded, open the APP, log in or create an account, and you’re ready to start playing!
Register in 1XBET
100% bonus on the 1st deposit up to 30000 PKR!